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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Çäðàâñòâóéòå! Âàñ èíòåðåñóþò êëèåíòñêèå áàçû äàííûõ?

Здравствуйте! Вас интересуют клиентские базы данных?

Saturday, February 3, 2018

*_*Здpавcтвуйте! Bаc ��НТЕРЕСУЮТ клuентc��uе базы ДАнных для пpоДАжu Bаwuх товаpов u уcлуг?

3дpaвсtвуйte! Baс ИНТЕРЕСУЮТ кnиeнtскиe 6aзы ДАнныx дnя пpоДАжи Baшиx tовapов и усnуг?

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Dear HashemEchad.MaccabiFamily, my name is Maria and i'm from Russia. Five years ago I moved to the USA and I love it here. Came across your photos on Badoo and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-) If you would like to know me more, this is my email write to me and I will send some of my photos. xXx, Maria


Dear HashemEchad.MaccabiFamily, my name is Arina and i'm from Russia. Five years ago I moved to the USA and I love it here. Came across your photos on Badoo and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-) If you would like to know me more, this is my email write to me and I will send some of my photos. xXx, Arina